A Life Changing
If you are new to the faith, welcome to the family of God! Life can be complicated, so we want your journey with Christ to be simple. By putting your faith in Jesus, you have taken the first step to your upward calling. So, we want to walk alongside you in this new Journey! Here is a quick look at our Next Steps Process!
Step 1
Faith Step
You came to church and experienced the call of God to salvation. You raised your hand to put your trust in Jesus. Best decision you will ever make! Don’t worry what comes next, we will come to you to pray with you and guide you in your decision to follow Jesus!
Step 2
Welcome Step
After praying with a team member you will follow them out to our open lobby! We have some tables and beverages ready just for you to just get to know your story. Be as open as you’d like. We will collect some basic information so we can contact you!
Step 3
Contact Step
Now that we have your contact information we will text you to encourage you! We only contact within reason, no spamming from us! We will also set our next meet up. Don’t worry, we will only meet up at church on Sunday’s during the normal service times!
Step 4
Meet-Up Step
Once we schedule it, we will sit down with you Sunday morning to talk about your decision to follow Jesus and the steps you can take to follow him more closely! Feel free to invite family and/or friends to this meetup. The more the merrier!
Step 5
Grand Finale
The process is almost complete! By this time you should have a better understanding of what it means to be a born again believer! The grand finale is your baptism! We know that can seem scary or intimidating, but we promise you it isn’t! By the time you we meet with you and talk about everything you will be so excited to jump in that pool!
Meet-Ups Every Sunday
at 10:30am
©2023 VIVA Church.